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Regalia FAQ

An Explanation of the Regalia to be Worn in the Lodge

1. Q: I am a visitor. What regalia must I wear at a meeting of Goose and Gridiron Lodge?

A: If you are a visitor, you wear the regalia you would wear in your own Craft Lodge.

2. Q: I am a joining member. What regalia do I wear?

A: If you are a joining member of Goose and Gridiron Lodge you must wear English regalia. You may not wear the regalia of your own jurisdiction.

3. Q: I am a Master Mason member of the Lodge. What apron do I wear?

A: You would wear a United Grand Lodge of England light-blue bordered apron with rosettes.

4. Q: I am an Installed Master/Past Master. What apron do I wear?

A: The apron you would wear in your Lodge.  If you are a member of the Goose and Gridiron Lodge you would wear a United Grand Lodge of England light-blue bordered apron with levels.

5. Q: I am a Past Master of a Lodge in my own jurisdiction. Do I wear also a UGLE Past Master collar?

A: Although you are recognized as a Past Master, entitled to the prefix Worshipful, and entitled to be present at the Board of Installed Masters at an Installation meeting (the 'Inner Workings'), you do not wear a Past Master collar. That is restricted to those who have been Master of Goose and Gridiron Lodge No. 1717 or a member under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England

6. Q: What breast jewels may I wear?

A: If you are a Past Master you may wear a Past Master breast jewel.

7. Q: Do I wear white gloves?

A: Yes, white gloves are required to be worn in Lodge.

8. Q: What is appropriate dress?

A: Dark suit with white shirt is required.

9. Q: What tie is required?

A: Black tie, UGLE Craft tie or a Goose and Gridiron tie available for purchase from the Assistant Secretary - Membership

10. Q: Are brown shoes permitted?

A: No. Black shoes should be worn.

11. Q: I am a Worshipful Master of a Lodge, and in my jurisdiction I wear my Master's collar at all Lodge meetings. Do I wear it at a meeting of Goose and Gridiron?

A: No.

12. Q: May I wear a name badge and lapel pins?

A: No name badges or lapel pins may be worn during Goose & Gridiron tiled meetings. You may wear them before or after, particularly name badges which help making acquaintances.

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